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63F ~ 79F
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Dongba Kingdom, covering 160 acres, from the ancient Naxi Dongba Culture and the ancestors of the village of two parts. Dongba culture but also contains two elements: First, the Dongba pictograph wall, 99 meters long, 4.9 meters high, Dongba the text word for the more than 1,400 words, divided into 18 categories; second is Chinese and foreign academics as "the first ancient religious scroll painting," the reputation of the "Spiritual Path."

Inheriting and carrying forward the Kingdom is the Dongba Naxi Dongba culture, purpose, vividly demonstrated by ChongNature is still the subject of the harmonious development with nature, bringing together the soul of the Naxi nationality, is a spirit, the culture of the kingdom. Naxi Dongba classical documents of the World Memory Heritage, Dongba Kingdom show that the national treasure of bright, gives a taste of the mysterious Dongba culture, understand the value of the World Memory Heritage and learn more about Naxi culture.


"Big Dragon" Pass area: 190 million (including the Yulong Snow Mountain, Jade Water Village, Dongba Valley, Yuzhu Atlas area, Dongba gods Park, Dongba Kingdom, Yufeng Temple).