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Kunming Weather

61F ~ 77F
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Yunnan Nationalities Village is located 9 kilometers south of Kunming area, close to Lake, and the Western Hills Forest Park, Daguan, Zheng and parks, and other famous scenic spots across the riser. This spring-lake, charming natural and cultural landscape and rich ethnic customs melting one, is to demonstrate the culture and customs of all ethnic groups in Yunnan window.

Yunnan Nationalities Village, a natural village-style architecture of the main ethnic, financial landscape, Silk tree as a whole. Park has Dai, Bai, Yi, Naxi, Wa, Tibetan, Jino, Lahu, Blang, Hani, De';ang, Jingpo and other villages, and also has aNational Unity Square, ethnic dance halls, city style food, camping and entertainment district, marina, cycle tour buses and other ornamental, recreational, dining facilities. Park sub-periods with national songs and dances and an elephant show, see if need to pay attention to performance time.


By A1, 24,44 bus can be. Taxi from the urban area to about 15 million.


70 yuan, 35 yuan certificate students.