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Hangzhou Weather

66F ~ 81F
E at 30km/h To 20km/h
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    Nanping Wanzhong literally means "the Chiming of the Nanping Mountain". Nanping Mountain is situated to the south of the West Lake. The main height of the Nanping Mountain is only several hundred metres high but the mountain range goes on for thousands of metres; it is covered in forests, and the cliffs are steep and look like a stone screen, hence its name, Nanping, meaing "the screen to the south". At the bottom of the mountain there is the Jingci Temple where the chiming comes from. At dust, you can hear the beautiful chimes coming from Jingci Temple at the bottom of the mountain.

    The Nanping Mountain is famous for the boulders and rocks of different sizes and shapes, dangerous cliffs and deep caves. The forest is mainly made up of pine and oak. In the old times the mountain was dotted with Buddhist temples and therefore was called "the mountain of the realm of Buddhism". Now most of the temples have been ruined but you can still find many Buddhist inscriptions left in the mountain.

    On the east side of the path outside the back door of Jingci Temple there is the Tower of the Jichan Master, reputedly the founder of the Japanese Caodongzong denomination. Now you may still see Caodongzong believers coming to worship the tower.

    To the west of the path there is a dense forest of numerous caves and rocks hidden under the grass. Stepping inside the forest you will get the feeling that you have gone back to the ancient times.