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Dalian Weather

66F ~ 81F
N at 30km/h
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    Some 25 nautical miles northwest of Lushunkou lays a 1 sq km isle known as the Isle of Snakes. It is the kingdom of Pallas Pit Viper, a rare breed serpent only existing on this island. Altogether there are about 18, 000 vipers living among the trees, bushes and rocks of the island.

     Moderate climate and dense bushes make the isle an ideal stop for birds on their way further north in spring and south in early winter, and of course, some of them are eaten by the hosts. In 1980, the isle was listed as a part of the Laotieshan State Natural Protection Zone. The Zone was once opened to tourists, yet for the sake of ecological balance it now has been closed. Tourists now may go for a newly opened Snake Museum, where different snake specimens are collected from all around the world are on display.