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Botou magnificent mosques due to building size, style, unique and well-known country. Take the main entrance of the monastery west to east, imitation wood Beijing Forbidden City Meridian Gate style.

Into the front yard, north and south have their own school context, in the middle is a two-story building 20 meters high floor, full moon, known as the "Bank Building" wearing moon floor, north and south side hall in the hospital there, up the stairs, the center is the beautiful Zhen Jing Diange flowers, wood paintings, the canopy depth, full of the Ming Dynasty wooden architecture.

The middle of the back yard is large-scale worship hall. Hall before, during and after the three Hall-one, area of 1950 square meters. Basilica of the top four cornices, Corner booth opposite. Later part of the house was a square room, Dianding from hexagonal pavilion, top sub-stack of square wooden caisson completed the form, so that more solemn hall, looked up and the whole temple, tower Diange, into a vertical line, heavy yard-phase sets of horizontal accompanied by doorways, stone bridge, so that the temple symmetry, coordination, solemn, generous.


Mosque built in the Ming Dynasty Hongwu years, after the construction of the text, Yongle, Wanli after several repairs, especially in the Chongzhen years were expanded to become large-scale buildings.

According to legend, the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen repair throne room, from the south to a large cuttingAniseed approved by the Canal north, the ship by Botou Fengjiashan port, Li Zicheng have scored Beijing peasant revolution rate. At that time, Hui officials censor Botou stone moving in Samuel Wells Williams, the Board of Rites Following along the board more than the book, with these wood repair the mosque.