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Xinzhou Weather

59F ~ 88F
Cloudy To Overcast
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Fanshi County is located in the vicinity of Hope county ditch along the west bridge, from the ancient Great Wall for about 5 km Pingxingguan pass the name.
Site is square, the perimeter of more than 3,000 meters, set a north and south. Former North and South Jieyou Urn, is the only North Urn. Guo Jielou middle of the city, 2.5 kilometers east of the city was closed, openings built a large stone, a letter "Pingxingguan" the three characters.

; Background: September 1937, Japanese troops invaded the northern Shanxi Province, the parallel relations, Yanmenguan offensive line, an attempt to seize the south of Taiyuan. Eighth Route Army division in the first fifteen teachers Lin Biao, deputy division commander under the command of Nie, the rain had laid an ambush on both sides of the mountain road northeast Pingxingguan, annihilate the enemy a thousand people, destroyed hundreds of vehicles, cars, and seized large quantities of weapons and military supplies. Eighth Route Army apprenticeship Japanese won the first battle, a heavy blow to the Japanese arrogance.