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Taber, Confucius called him "Supreme Virtue", Sima Qian in "Historical Records" in him as a "family" first, and his deeds were the annals of ancient historians.

He gave way, kai, brother Zhong Yong, fled south, in the Merry (now Plum Village area) to build "hook Wu," State Building "Tabor City", became the cradle of Wu culture. Han Heng Tai Hing years (AD 154), the Royal Decree Wujuntaishou leopard in Taber Guzhai Mi Li Miao. Taber temple built through the ages, is a group of community buildings, the solemn glory.

The cradle of Wu culture first. Thousand years ago, the first ancient civilizations south - all of WuCity in Merritt (now Town, Xishan District, May). Today Taber Taber, founder of the temple is the Temple worship Wu. Ninth day as the Taber year birthday of the first month, is now a traditional temple fair, enduring.


Station 19 is accessible by public transport.



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