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Double Phoenix Pavilion on the Huangbei County East of Shandong Taishan. Facing low water, and is against the OASIS. Pavilions 10 meters high, stone structures, to enter hex architectural, glass green tiles, cornices Erythroculter angle. Pavilion upper secondary-wood and wood, the lower is made up of 12 stone. To commemorate the famous scholar of Cheng hao, Cheng Yi of Northern Song dynasty built. Cheng Shi in Henan province of origin, remain here because of his grandfather Cheng Tong huangbeixian order. Legend Cheng Mu dream Sheung Fung cast and successively gave birth to their brother duo, therefore, booth Sheung FUNG. This Pavilion originally in the County, plus seven years tomorrow (1463) complex was built in Shandong-Taiwan in the foothills of two CHENGs Temple. Emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty five years (1666) move this, Emperor Daoguang 23 years (1843) being high winds blew down, 28-year redevelopment. Pavilion 10 meters high, pavilion three floors with hexagonal saved up top, Blue House Zhu eaves, wing angle flying exhibition. Upper beam-Nan and camphor, underlying all the columns squatre column is stone. Modelling precision and build strong. Pavilion neutral stone square stele Pavilion, Pavilion Tablet inscription block built on four sides, stone amount. Engraved on the pair of phoenixes and people, the image is vivid. Front suspension "Sheung Fung Ting" horizontal inscribed Board of Guo Moruo's problem book. Pavilion Lake East past like an arrow, shot to two-lane that year acquisition, fields wanqing, huguang complements; Pavilion West she Shui yan, flow blue, ancient poet of poets, in reciting a lot.

Accommodation: Huang Pi hotel is a Government rest house, and the rest are all levels hotels, all in Sheung Fung Road above. 318 national road above. Out of the bus station go to the South East is.

Transport: take a bus to wushenglu bus station, or make 4,144 train to Huang Pi, train number very few, of course, don't take risks. To do after Huang Pi 5 bucks or so taxi or three-wheel should be able to double Phoenix Pavilion. Public transportation in the city to shuangfeng Pavilion, 2 pieces per person.