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Wuhan Weather

70F ~ 86F
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Wuhan National Government Site is the Southern Nation Building, is located in the right-hand seat of Liudu Bridge and Minzhong Paradise Zhongshan Road Hankou. It is a building full of historical significance. The building was built in 1917 by the patriotic overseas Chinese Jane's Brother. It is a building of six floors.

On January 1, 1927 to September 20 that year, here was the office of Wuhan National Government. The national government took back the concession of Hankou and Jiujiang Decision here. In the meeting room, there are hanged portrait and will of Sun Zhongshan, reproduced in the history of the scene.

In 1986, the Southern Nation Building was changed into Wuhan National Government Site and open in 1989.


Bus 24, 559, 207, 603, 588, 601, 801, 563, 9.

Electric car 1, 2

Ticket: Free