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It is located at No.41 Dufu Dikedyke Wuchang, Wuhan. On the first half year of 1927, when Mao Zedong was engaged in revolutionary activities, he ever lived here with Yang Kaihui and his sons Mao Anying and Mao Anqing. The "Report On Hunan Peasant Movement Investigation" was written here, he also took charge of the work of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) the Central Peasant Movement. Cai Hesen, Guo Liang, Peng Pai, Xia Minghan, Mao Zetan, Luo Zhe and so on also ever lived here.

The former residence is an old residential construction of later Qing Dynasty. It is sitting east west, covering an area pf 436 square meters. It is post and panel structure and brick tiles.

The original house was dismantled in 1956 and in 1967, it was rebuilt. It recovered the rooms which Mao Zedong, Yang Huikai, Cai Hesen, Gu Su and so on ever lived. And it became an exihibition hall that opening to the outside world.