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Tianzhushan Weather

66F ~ 82F
Sunny To Cloudy
NE at 30km/h
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From the hill town along State Road 105, 7 km to the northwest dealers, again the direction of Forest Village is 6 km ahead to hutouya area.

The concentration of scenic spots, rocks everywhere and heritage, is a good place for self-cultivation. The main attractions are: hutouya, boat-shaped stone, iron flute niches, Wanshou infinite tower, fox grave, Cliff and so on.

There are many scenic rocks and stone. Boat-shaped stone of which, 20 meters long, 10 meters width, such as the vessel ran aground among the holes in the stream. Beautiful stone 4 meters high, such as a Tingtingyuli girls, dressed in the costume looked around. Monk Stone height of about 5 metersRound head, the body slightly backward, like a monk panic away. Beautiful stone and stone monk about 50 meters apart, one after, constitute a "monk chasing beautiful women, beautiful women looking back," the moving picture. There are also stone bed, stone niches, stone stove, stone bench and so on.

Kistler Guaizhuang and many stone is the biggest bright spot area, the most representative for the boat-shaped stone.