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Nantou ancient city is the most ancient of Shenzhen City. It is located in Jiujie Village in Nanshan, Nantou Ancient City has a history that can be traced back to 331 in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420), when Dongguan Prefecture was built.
From the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-589) to the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Nantou Ancient City was the administrative center of both Dongguan Prefecture and Bao'an County, one of the seven counties under Dongguan Prefecture's jurisdiction.
In the early Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Nantou Ancient City was Dongguan's defensive castle accommodating 1,000 soldiers. It was called Xin'an County in late Ming and the Qing dynasties, administering areas which now form Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
Today's Nantou Ancient City, covering 0.49 square kilometers, is a crowded and noisy village, home to more than 30,000 people, mostly temporary residents. The houses inside the city were built after 1949. Local people are the landlords and you can find just about everything you need within the city.
Place Address: Nanshan District, the previous day northbound