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Shenzhen Weather

75F ~ 82F
E at 20km/h To 30km/h
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Bristol Ridge Ecological Village is in Longgang District Pingshan Town, 30 kilometers away from Shenzhen city, with a total area of 55 hectares. Here is the Longgang District Bureau of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Hong Kong ecological perspective Co., Ltd. set up a joint set of ecological agriculture, environmental science education, agricultural technology training and demonstration and sightseeing agriculture and other functions in an integrated base. Most appreciate the joy of harvest. Bi Ling eco-village in 1997 by the Higher Education Department of Guangdong Province to determine college teaching practice base in Guangdong Province in 2000 by the Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Association identified as the popular science education base in Shenzhen City, China ecological Society of the State Environmental Protection Administration of expert missions, it is recommended as the eco-agriculture demonstration zones.
bus line: 870, get off at Pingshan bus station or bus line 963, and walk for 663 meters