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Shangqiu Weather

68F ~ 91F
Overcast To Cloudy
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Shangqiu County is located 23 km south of Northwest High Xinji site 100 meters, the ancient mound for the tall, north to south and 233 meters, 130 meters east to west. Ling Ku Temple before the original hall, shower room, changing rooms, gate and other ancient buildings.

Ku Temple: built in Han Dynasty. In the Yuan and Ming has been repaired many times. The magnificent temples, surrounded by pine trees, Monuments everywhere. Within the central temple has an ancient well. Beam painted dragon, dragon greet the well, lifelike. According to legend, more rain a year of drought has come true, it was hailed as a "spiritual well."

Ku is a great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor, shut Bo';s father. Is one of the Five Emperors. According to legend, when unsuccessful Kuangyin, Guo Wei defected to the north, passing Ku Ling, divination by drawing lots, when the emperor lives. Later he became a Languid in Shangqiu Jiedushi and fortune. Kuangyin the throne, during the Western Zhou Dynasty by Shangqiu Song, Song is the later state, depending on the country as a "Song."