Shanghai Weather

70F ~ 88F
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Liaofeng Pavilion

Liaofeng Pavilion

The Viewing Landscape Pavilion

"The Viewing Landscape Pavilion" is located at Shanghai Binjiang Forest Park's sight-seeing area. The hall can hold up 60 visitors for sight-seeing, dining and drinking tea. Visitors can have breaks, have dinners and hold parties here. They can also climb pagoda for overlooking the river and sea freely.

Binjiang Coffee& Leisure Restaurant

"Binjiang Coffee& Leisure Restaurant" is located at Shanghai Binjiang Forest Park's sight-seeing area. The restaurant's first floor can hold up 60 persons. The second floor is sight-seeing platform, with the capacity of holding up 80 persons sight-seeing and dinning here.

"Binjiang Coffee& Leisure Restaurant, an underling of Shanghai Yonglong Catering Management Co. Ltd, provides visitors with freshly milled coffee, all types of drinks, Chinese and Western style meals at moderate price and excellent service. This restaurant is wonderful place for visitors having a rest, dinning, holding parties, as well as enjoying river and sea sceneries.

For detailed information, please log on the website:

Contact person: Shen Peikang 13901733995 58644308

Increscent Lake Teahouse

Increscent Lake Teahouse