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Pangu King Temple is also known as Pangu Altar. It is built to the north side of Shiling Town, Huadu City, against Pangu King Mountain and in the middle of its piedmont. It was initially built in 1809 (the 14th year of Jiaqing in Qing Dynasty) but was burned later. It was rebuilt in 1901 (the 27th year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty and preserved till now. Pangu King Mountain is high, singular and grand. In the morning, it is covered with cloud and mist that is mixed with the smoke of joss sticks and candles burned in the temple. Against the rosy dawn, the whole mountain is extremely magnificent. Therefore, it has such an honor of 'Pangu Wonderful Scenery' and is listed as one of the eight sceneries of Hua County in Qing Dynasty.

Entering the Grand Memorial Archway of Pangu King Temple Park, you will find a swimming pool on the left side, which is named after Mazu - the sea goddess. The pool has a water area of more than 6000 m2 and is equipped with four water skiing paths, a swimming pool for children, a wading zone, a deep water zone, a winding bridge for walking and so on. Inside the pools is the filtered spring water from Pangu King waterfall. The water is so clear that you can even see the floor of the pool.

Over Pingan Bridge, walk along the winding and quiet small alley, through a small pit, you come to the Pangu King Temple. It is a classic Chinese temple building that is propped up by poles, supported by wood beams and covered with glazed tiles. The faade of the temple is open. On its two sides, there are engraved wood screens. Its east, west and north walls are built with blue bricks, in which there are engraved wood windows. On the top of the temple, there are modillions at its four corners, all engraved with decorative pattern. The roof is covered with yellow glazed tiles and there are four vivid black dragons crawling on the ridge of the temple. There are still many other elaborately and beautifully engraved figures, flowers, trees and temples. In the middle of the temple, sits up straightly the statue of Pangu King. In front of the temple, there are two huge purple bronzes, with smoke curling upward day and night. Below the huge centers are the four huge pilgrim aging platforms with steps that can hold about a thousand worshippers at the same time. Pangu King Temple is so famous that there is an endless stream of pilgrims over the years. On each Pangu's birthday, the twelfth day of October (in Chinese traditional calendar), gangs of charitable people and pious men and woman from Nanhai, Panyu, Shunde, Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Sanshui and other places, will come to worship Pangu King by beating drums and dancing Lion Dance.  

Ascending along the steps behind Pangu King Temple, you will see the Halfway Kiosk built at the mountainside. It was initially built in the 27th year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty and then was destroyed by the fire of the Japanese Army. The present kiosk was built in recent years. Its roof is completely covered with glazed tiles and decorated with gourd. The flying eaves at the four corners all have the patter of flower. The four sides of the kiosks are all fenced with banisters fully engraved with flowers. Inside the kiosk, there are round table and stone stools for tourists to have a rest.

Pangu Sleeping Stone is also called Qiankun Stone. It lies to the east of the Halfway Kiosk. The stone is about 4 meters high. Its plane area is a little more than 30 m2. In the middle of its top surface, there is a crack that is more than 30 cm wide and more than 1m deep. The crack looks like being cut with knife because its bottom is neat. In front of the stone there is an old banyan. It is said by the local people that this stone is the sleeping place of Pangu King who created the world.

Nearby are several big-tiered stone. Spring pours out from the bottom of the stones, so it is called 'Longkou Spring' and the water is called 'Sacred Water'. It is said that a long time agon, a pair of young man and woman grew up together and betrothed secretly without telling their parents. When their parents knew that, they were very angry and strictly prohibited their meeting. The two people had nothing to do with the situation. They eloped together at the same night. They underwent all kinds of hardships and eventually hided themselves in remote mountains. However, the young lady got sick and was dying. To cure her, the young man went to find herbs everywhere. One day, he came to Pangu King Mountain and found there were several big tiered stones and a stream of spring poured out from the gaps. He was so tired and thirsty that he spooned some spring and drank. Immediately he felt refreshed. He then gathered some spring with sweet potato leaves brought it back to the young woman. On the next day there is a wonder. The dying lady was getting better and better and was recovered a few days later. From then on, the new that the spring can cure patient spread fast and wide and many people came to bring water to cure patients. Nowadays, tourists who come to Pangu King Mountain will come to the Loukou Spring to drink some 'sacred water' in order to have everything as he wishes.