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Qingyuan, Guangdong Weather

79F ~ 91F
Heavy Rain
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Forint Garden is located in the suburbs of the Zhuang and Yao nationality municipality of Lian Hill, Guangdong. This is the only original ecological protection forests which is nearest county in Guangdong Province. The ancient forest covers an area of ten million square meters with countless of old trees that are tall and straight. It is the wonderland for urbanites to relax and go vacationing that you will enjoy yourself so much as to forget to leave.

The Zhuang Nationality Amorous Feeling Entertainment Village is the main scenic spot in the scenic area. The building in the village is stilts built with bamboo and wood. You can appreciate simple songs, join the ethnic village bonfire party, see coquettish national dance and diversified performance style here. Fortunately, the boys will be Zhuang's son. You can also join the interesting banxie dance and tinikling.

Traffic: Bus No.3, 21, 701