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Ziyang Palace, located in the Meiling Scenic Area. For the local Taoist temple built in commemoration of Deng Yu, breeze blowing during the day and come slowly, especially cool, like a fairyland.

Taoist used in all granite brick, stone towering, ornate buildings. Front of the beam center engraved "Ziyang Palace," the words, intrauterine statue dedicated to Deng Yu. Both sides of the couplet inscribed on a stone: "A red awakened Road through the Arctic, thousands of years the town of Xishan in Wonderland." Sarcophagus beneath the DENG Cave, the tomb of Tang Chun Kwan, living room made of stone.

Deng Cave is a small cave wall engraved with: "Tang Chun Kwan" words. Tang Chun Kwan is not the tomb, the tomb after aOne-meter tall stone tower. Is living at the bottom of the sarcophagus, there Deng Yu stone and the stone of a similar basin, Deng Yu';s living legend, it is known as Tang Zhenjun sarcophagus.

According to legend, Junior Year 2025 Deng Yu Xiu Fu (Chinese, Guangwu) unified the world the throne, has been called high-density climate. After the disillusioned, resign hermit in a forest Cultivation raised road, he learned magic, drew Xianshu. Universal travel far and wide to Hong Chau sun, saw that the people have fled back well, it will finally make a living. I discovered this mountain cave containing the Millennium centipede, red head and black body, body length Hachijo, come and go in between the mountain rocks. Whenever the heat, then the hole poisoning,Pouring rain, four venom flow, local people can not survive, scattered everywhere. Deng Yu Seeing this, determined to eradicate harmful demon, to persuade the demon to leave, not from the centipede demon, and Deng Yu in this mountain fighting, war seventy-seven forty-nine days, and finally demon Qin Zhu, chained by the wrist into the rough rock bottom .


219 Road to get off the bus Wanli interchange 112 to the peace of the car, can be.