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Wulaofeng located southeast of the White Deer Hollow, was built in AD 940, the full-house mountain area of 3,000 mu, building area of 3800 square meters. College Hill Central hydration, quiet clear mysterious, is the key cultural relics protection units.

Tang Sadamoto years, provincial governor Jiang Li Bogang seclusion study here, myself and keep a white deer, known as Mr. Bai Lu, building Taixie, planting flowers and trees. Southern Tang court set up in the Lushan National Studies, the College through perish after Sang, repeated Hing repeated waste. Known to the Southern Song Nam Hong Zhu Jun, side to flourish.

White Deer College, the existing oil in the buildings along the River Road intersection from west to east in series and the building, from the bookHome gateway, Ziyang Academy, Bailushuyuan, hotels and other buildings extended community composition. Block building body were south, stone and wood or brick, herringbone hard top roof are, quite elegant and indifferent to the gas.

White Deer Hollow Academy of China one of the four, Song Xi scientists re College, and personally in this lecture.

China';s four Academy: Jiangxi Lushan White Deer Hollow Academy, Changsha Yuelu Academy, Hunan Hengyang Shigu College (Anti-Japanese War was destroyed by the Japanese in 1998 by replacing the Songyang Academy of Dengfeng in HenanCollege four titles), Shangqiu should be days of College.



Hours :7:30-18: 00