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54F ~ 79F
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Dragon Mountain is located in Liaoyang County, Liaoyang City, issued within the Township, about 35 km away from the city of Liaoyang, in a thousand mountains Tanghe Reservoir Scenic Area Scenic Area and between the state 3A class tourist attractions. Long Feng Temple mountain.

Long Mountain, also known as Mount Kumgang, mountainous peaks, steep strange, clear water surrounded by mountain river, Kowloon, winding. Leading mountain peaks of the natural landscape, large Jingang Feng, two Jingang Feng, Ying Xu, toad, turtle rhinoceros Mochizuki, lying Shi Feng, head peak, Baekundong, thin strip of sky, welcoming song, Kowloon River, Longtan weeping willow, Laojun Tong, Laojun stone counters, collectively referred to as Mt 28 King. Recently also developed a foot of water upstreamMusic projects, and newly built roads and parking.

Long Feng Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, the Ming and Qing dynasties were repaired. According to legend, Emperor Li Shimin expedition commanded the troops stationed themselves in this, given the Tianshan and repair Xue Rengui stone temple; Qianlong emperor also East Tour this. Long Feng Temple was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, after the 1995 reconstruction, eighth-generation great-great-grandson of Emperor Qianlong - Beijing is the owner Aixinjueluo Yu Cong Chi Abode of their cohort collection of five relic given to the monastery. In 2001, completion of the Northeast where the only one Foshelita, the Chinese Buddhist Association Zhao inscription "relic of the Buddha Sakyamuni Pagoda day care. "Foshelita for the white octagonal pagoda, High School eleven meters, the eight-ten statues carved tower, take the Han, Tibetan and Indian styles into one.

Dragon Mountain every year many tourists, if every Long Feng Temple Buddhist activities, visitors and believers sometimes as many as thousand people. Dragon Mountain was gradually formed a bustling market, local and nearby villagers in the sale of native products.