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Dongchuan red land located within the San Tin DONGCHUAN from Kunming, about 250 km north easterly direction, from more than 40 kilometers southwest of Dongchuan District. Dongchuan red land area in 1800-2600 meters above sea level, where the radius of hundreds of clay in the plateau region is most concentrated in Yunnan, the most typical and most characteristic red land. The main part of the area from the "sub-floor terrace of water" to "fight McCain" stop, straight-line distance of about 45 km.

Dongchuan, Yunnan Red LandIs the world';s most imposing one of the red land area, where warm and humid environment, the soil through the oxidation of iron deposited slowly and gradually formed a dazzling colors. Flowers to San Tin Village as the center stone, the range of tens of kilometers radius, the red earth everywhere are large, colorful, magnificent scenery. This colorful land, now has several locations and by the ALICE photography enthusiasts with many years of viewing experience to explore the best viewing sites, as listed in some spots.

Hit McCain: early morning before sunrise the high slope overlooking the roadKan beat McCain village, the village can enjoy the curl of smoke and red land and sea of clouds rising in the morning mist.

Colorful Singapore, Fairview Park: enjoy the earth from different angles, the color, the better the morning and evening time.

Score Au: the patchwork of small villages dotted with the red land, is the evening enjoy the rural scenery of the place.

One Tree: minds of the people guarding the local Red LandGod tree.

Depression Tong: Known as the most spectacular and mysterious piece of red land, as if a huge collapse in the gossip between two mountains, the scenery is fantastic.

Moon Land: the best scenery the evening, the sun shone on the ridge of water, the light is reflected, from afar, like a Road moon.

Photography Tips

Area is the best time filming the annual May -6 months, September -12 months. September each year to 12 months, plowing the land to be part of the red species, the other red and green land has been planted with barley, wheat and other crops, from afar, like the brilliant color painting sky, lined with blue sky, white clouds and the vagaries of light, form a spectacular view of the red land. In the winter, when snow red land another big picture, but probably because the road impassable ice.

t: bold; "> Transportation

1, Kunming - Red Land area Dongchuan

Kunming - Dongchuan District: from north of Kunming City Bus Terminal by bus to the Dongchuan area, the reference price is 34 yuan / person. Charter between the price of 180-250, tolls not included.

Dongchuan District - Red Land area: in the Dongchuan District Terminal had to "law are" the train, passing through the land where the red "flower groove" "Stone Flower" and other major touristSettlements. Only one ticket shows 8:00 am and 12:50 noon, two shuttle, but the scenic settlements often see through the "Flower channel" back of the bus Dongchuan area, may wish to ask the conductor at the box office and more. Reference price of 23 yuan / person. Dongchuan District or charter rental company car park, usually 100-150 dollars a car to offer, this price is 2 person months (depends on the pricing models and Condition, mostly Wuling little bread, a little better Geely and Jetta), the relative price of each additional person increases. If the 4-6 individuals, may wish to pack up a little bread (but more so if the baggageTo die), filled the price is about 200-250 yuan, to bargain, they are opening a large price. Dongchuan land area back from the red terminal two classes a day, but there are some bus after crossing, you can consult to the local store.

2 car: Kunming - Dongchuan District - Red Land area

Since the drive from Kunming to the generally, but also from Shaoyang, Qujing and other places to Dongchuan area. Into the Opera speed starting from Kunming - Kontum speed - Songming speed - Song to be high - Longtan exports - Dongchuan area. To be high in the SongExports under the Longtan, soon there will be a fork in the road, both sides are instructed to Dongchuan area. On the right is the old road, mostly winding road. The left is the new way is better to go, is now the only way leading to the red land, instructions clear, it is recommended to take this road.