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Since ancient times, Yu Huashan Huashan Road is located in a road three kilometers, near Sha Luo Ping, Canton Road, Huashan Taoist hermit focus when homes.

Big board above the non-climbing will land, but there are many legends, there are the ancient poems Ode. Above the southern end of childhood, climbing chains along a dangerous road trip up the stairs, first to see the remains of a Shihmen, saying "AD door", according to "Yuezhi" This is the Emperor for the records to find the Lord and ordered her sister Jin Xiangong cut The. Jin Xiangong Lord is the daughter of the Tang Rui Zong, emperor ofSister, palace life due to unbearable, with the monks and nuns with the Yuzhen Princess Road, into the Mountain after the practice, living in the top of the Approach on the. It is said that practice has become immortal, able to ride a crane to heaven. Emperor the thinking girl eager to make artisans chisel into the gap mountains, it has become today';s "AD door."

Door North BC have a "master hole." From here, looking southwest, across the cliffs carved "Yunfeng" two characters, vigorous and strong but elegant free and easy. Tung Yan Bi cable from the master, to the northeast direction, the road there was a saddle of rock, called saddle bridge. It is worth mentioningThere is a stone inscription: "Zhou Jin, the Behavior of rehabilitation Tang Road, Jian Yan and successful in the final three years of record in April." Jin was already a rule in the scope of Shaanxi Province, they are boldly carved masonry Great Song reign, and engraved his name, which was the embodiment of national integrity.

By the look of a saddle bridge, and then to the "Raytheon hole." This is a natural cave, the shape of the shaft, the walls, such as sliced general, only one person down. Hole edge of a wooden ladder, the top of the cliff for a single-plank bridge between the perforated frame, visitors pull Soden bridge attachment on, very dangerous. Shek PikEngraved with "hole in the mountain", describe. Large and small, scattered here natural or artificial cave dug. Visible on the cliff outside the cave stone inscriptions, such as Jade Cave, Ba Xiandong, Danyang-dong, Jin-xian concept and so on. A few holes carved beams, cornices Court embroidered with the cave as a single entity, constitutes the Temple, is the Road Dianpang flat at homes. This is the big top. Looked afar, suddenly. In particular, peach blossom spring season in March, everywhere Hongxia, the more people a "infinite beauty in the risk of mountain" feeling.