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Hangzhou Weather

64F ~ 79F
E at 20km/h
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    The people in the mountains Hangzhou's most unique agricultural tourism. Here, from the slash and burn to a high-tech agriculture, have been showed . Small village has experienced centuries of wind and rain vicissitudes, still smoke, carrying the youth and dreams of a whole generation of educated youth points, old traces still exist, to stay in a small mountain village , enjoy the fruits of self hand-picked, opened up one of their own orchards. garden, to share the joy of harvest with the villagers.

    People in the mountains is a well-preserved original style of the late Qing Ming Dynasty  Primary Village - Dawan Village  as the prototype.


Take the bus K315 from Hangzhou Longxiang to Hangzhou Paradise Park , then turn No.6 bus ,direct


30 yuan

8:00 - 17:00