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64F ~ 79F
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     You might pass this area a lot, on the way to the Green Tea restaurant or to Longjing, but it's easy to miss this little alleyway on Longjing Road. Mao Jia Bu, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was a grassy quay, that's how it gets its name. In old times, it used to be the starting point of the road people would travel going to Lingyin Temple and Tianzhu (India) to pay their respects. Pilgrims would hire a boat on the opposite lakeside and come all the way to Mao Jia Bu. They ate their vegetarian meal in Mao Jia Bu and then walked this road to Lingyin or Tianzhu to worship the Buhhda.

    Heading from north to south on Longjing Road, a left turn will lead you to the lakeside where pilgrims used to park their boats. There are tons of restaurants and teahouses for you to rest your feet and enjoy the adorable view. In late autumn, there are crowds of amateur photographers taking photos of the lake at sunset, when the red cloud mimic the maple trees. Further away, you will see the former residence of Du Jinsheng. A quick tour is not a bad idea. Du Jinsheng is a renowned Chinese patriot and entrepreneur who was born in Mao Jia Bu. He founded the Du Jinsheng Silk-Weaving Factory in May 1922 in Hangzhou and began his dream of saving China by industry. This residence, one of the historic and cultural sights of Yanggongdi, was restored in 2003 and opened to the public as a memorial museum. The place consists of an ancestral house, a showroom, stores, workshop and a memorial room. The showroom and the workshop recreate what it was like in the early years of Du Jinsheng. The memorial room displays the achievements and life story of Mr. Du and the history of his career.