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The country also known as Paul Hill, the farm is located in the territory of Bulgaria Ledong County, 28 kilometers from the county seat, away from Sanya City, "the ends of the earth" 42 km, are highways.
The public image of Mao Shan special natural landscape Peak is located in Bulgaria, was northeast - southwest direction. Paul Hill is about 4,000 meters, the country, undulating ridges and peaks, the central projection of a 630 meters high granite mountains, huge rocks of its natural shape similar to the late Chairman Mao Zedong sit under the sky, serene instrumentation, and Vivid.Sooner or later, swaying light frost, clouds must not, after the concept is generating a sense of intimacy and respect.
"Mao Gong Mountain" is named for hair styling company. More Coincidentally, Mao Gong Li Piedmont there is a village called "liberation village." There is a mountain Miao called "The East is Red." Name of the village are two of Hainan in 1950, when the fate of the liberation. Shannan, Han Shan North were two villages called "total worship", "against the United States." Today, the image looks exactly like a great man of the mountains, combined with wit heaven';s name of the village, so that this spectacle has been added layer of mystery.
  hair in addition to the natural landscape mountain landscape of public sculpture, the whole structure of strains of the mountain, peaks and downs, heap Green Emerald, the foot of the Ya-Liang Wen River and South River crystal clear beaches is covered with variegated multicolored stones. Landscapes reflect each other, the "Mao Gong Mountain" is particularly grand and magnificent.
Special Note:
Mao Shan mountain is all public and hard rock, difficult to weathering deformation. Hair styling is very grand public, ministers face 105 meters wide,56 meters, a few kilometers away from the still very clear and realistic. State Farm insurance company in the hair the most desirable viewing position Piedmont imitation of the layout of the Tiananmen Square also visited the station was built, monuments and Worship Church.


Mao Shan Sanya City, the public only 40 kilometers, can be chartered in the past.