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     Lushun Museum in Dalian, a port city in northeast China's Liaoning Province, is China's largest garden museum in terms of its floor space.

     Lushun District, located at the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsula, and also the point where the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea meet, was one of the world's five largest naval ports and has witnessed repeated wars in history.

     Located opposite the Lushun Friendship Tower, the Lushun Museum was originally built in 1917, and has gone through several name changes since then.  In 1954, it was named the Lushun Museum and Mr.Guo Moruo, a famous Chinese author, provided the calligraphic inscription for the main gate.  With an exhibition area of 1,800 square meters and an attached area of 500 square meters, the museum houses 30,000 cultural relics of ancient and modern times, including the fascinating Xinjiang mummy exhibition.

     In the cultural relics area there are examples of bronze carved handicrafts, lacquerware and cloisonne, pottery handicrafts, calligraphy and paintings, and some Buddhist artwork.  Among the exhibits are many treasures, the most famous of which is the bronze "double dragon basin" of the Song Dynasty. This is a utensil made with the resonant characteristics so that when one rubs the handles of the basin ripples emerge on the water's surface and a vibrating sound can be heard.

     Among the local relics of Dalian are the unearthed artifacts from Muyang City which existed during the Han Dynasty (220 B.C. to 206 B.C.).   The tablets and stone inscriptions record the area's development during every historical stage of Dalian.

     The mummy exhibited in the hall was unearthed from the Turfan Basin in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of western China.  They were naturally preserved by the arid climate of western China and each of the three males and three females still have their distinctive features with their unique appearance and brown hair.  The individuals lived approximately 1,300 years ago and have proven to be an invaluable resource for archaeological and anthropological studies of  western China during the Northern and Southern Dynasty periods and the Suitang Dynastic period as well as specific value for the study of textiles during that period.  The mummies have gained international fame through publications in the United States and Europe.

     In front of the Lushun Museum is the impressive museum tower standing 22 meters tall.  It was constructed with a granite base and the body of the tower is covered with "snowflake rock".  The column heads are exquisitely carved and there are also four relief carving on the square granite base.