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Half Talie Shi cemetery site from the semi-Battle Tower, eastern Anhui Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Liu Shaoqi, and the New Fourth Army Second Division Memorial Martyrs Memorial and the composition of AA for the state-level scenic spots.

Half the Battle Tower tower site is located in the town of northwestern half Lai';an Guangshan hillside, the current system level key protection units, provincial patriotism education base. Half tower strategically located and difficult terrain, the mountain like a ring, for the New Fourth Army during the War of Resistance activities in the center of the East Jin Pulu. March 1940, the famous "Battle of semi-tower" in this started. To commemorate the battle and the heroic martyrs in the War of Resistance, 1960, The People';s Government to set up Lai';an half Talie Shi cemetery.

Cemetery covers an area of 240 acres, the center has a martyr monument, 10 meters high, is a rectangular platform body. Top hats and stands a sword-toting, He Qiang hyperopia, a magnificent statue of the New Fourth Army soldiers. The front of the tower engraved with Chen Yi wrote the "revolutionary martyr immortal" eight characters, the back of the sail for the inscription of the famous calligrapher Zhang Kai. Zhang Yunyi in front of a tower at the May 1, 1964';s "Half Talie Shi monument in mind."

Memorial Hall has historical photos on display 142, 2 tablets of martyrs, but also displays a New Fourth Army toUsed weapons, equipment, documents and currency. November 2005, Ms. Liu Shaoqi Wang Guangmei to semi-tower inspections and revolutionary memorial inscription to half the tower. In 2007, more than 800 million government investment Lai';an half Talie Shi cemetery restoration. Revolutionary Memorial Hall built a Wandong, Liu Shaoqi Memorial Hall and the New Fourth Army Second Division Memorial Museum, construction area of 1100 square meters. Construction work is currently ongoing, is expected to open in 2009 the Ching Ming Festival.