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Chongqing Weather

72F ~ 90F
Cloudy To Overcast
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Chongqing is the biggest city in China. It's located deep in the centre of the country, though is traditionally classed as being in the west. To the north, Chongqing borders the province of Shaanxi. To the east lie Hubei and Hunan provinces. Guizhou is to the south and the province of Sichuan lies to the west. Chongqing straddles the confluence of two major rivers, the Jialing and the Yangtze. Though completely landlocked and surrounded by mountains, the rivers have made Chongqing a key centre for trade within China. The city was part of Sichuan province until it became a municipality on March 14th, 1997. Thus Chongqing became one of only four cities in China to have the status of municipality. This city has seen rapid growth over the last decade. The building of the Three Gorges Dam, several hundred killometres downstream from Chongqing, saw a large number of people relocated into the city. The population of the city is estimated to be 31,442,300 (2007) potentially making Chongquing the largest city in the world.

Yongchuan Satellite Lake scenic spots for tourism infrastructure in place, recreational services, fully functional water in the world, open water amusement park and resort comprehensive cruise terminal, there is a beautiful environment at the provincial level garden-style institutions of higher learning, Chongqing University of Arts, the satellite Lake International Tourism Resort, Peach Blossom Villas, than the ditch, there is a religious, folk and cultural characteristics of stone turtle Temple, Kang Legong, well-known feature of West Chongqing cuisine "Lake Star fish" Sansho gray mullet, all kinds of spicy fish and tourist town of style.

Impression that it is a very beautiful place, clear, green lake, the lake breeze blowing gently, waves rippling on campus set off into the pink Liulv really is a good place for self-cultivation. Yongchuan satellite lakes and mountains and the lake in a unique cultural landscape, attract local and foreign tourists every year more than 30 million. Yongchuan Satellite Lake tourism area Yishanbangshui, beautiful environment, is a tourist resort, summertime summer, leisure, conference training, a good place to enjoy food.