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75F ~ 88F
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Ocean Beach tourist area is located in Guilin, Haikou City, the northeast, 19 km from the town government, the sea 24 kilometers east of ocean. Has a seaside swimming pool, International Sports Village, Thailand Hua Guoyuan, sun city resort, the world roaming the park five tourist resorts, and a barbecue and marine recreation and other services.

Beach swimming pool is the coastline of more than 10 large natural swimming pool in. Clean water than the west coast where the sea, shark-free waters, seabed without reefs, coastal extension of slope is small, shallow coastal bandwidth of up to 200 meters. Coastal Casuarina forest, such as the wall like wall, white sand, fine, loose, is ideal for swimmingLand and leisure places.

Thailand Thailand Hua Guoyuan quite characteristic style agriculture and tourism. Area of 2000 mu, the introduction of Thailand famous varieties of tropical fruits and flowers, and has a Thai-inspired architecture, Thai Buddha, the water sports center, recreation center, village lovers, Diaoyutai, beautiful homes and multi-national specialty restaurants and so on. Recreation room and board with the conditions here, both substantial exquisite, products different fruits, but also a taste of Thai flavor, fresh and do lead back to nature.

Guilin Yang Beach tourist area near the Mangrove Nature Reserve and the "Harbour Village", according to research undersea earthquake in the village talks about the Ming DynastyFall in the sea when the remains of 72 villages.

Yang Ming Yu resort with Resort Guilin, Guilin, South China Sea ocean tide Hotel, Guilin Yang Yang Shui Xian Zhuang and other accommodation facilities.


1, in Haikou, Hong Kong, Hong Kong ship shop front can reach Guilin Yang Beach. 8 nautical miles away.

2, by a road bus, 6 way CMB, the CMB to the House 1 Road Town, then take to the Guilin Ocean Pakistan Tainan, then take the three-wheeled motorcycle.