Baoshan Attractions - All
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British Consulate

Outside the British Consulate is located west of Tengchong, the column for the British consul in London Teng presided over the construction, started in 1921, 1931 completion. Tengchong set the British Consulate, twenty-three years based on the Qing dynasty (AD 1877) and Britain by treaty, will be in pretty fair (now Devon Yingjiang quite fair) moved to vault the British Consulate. Pacific War broke out in 1941. May 1942 on the eve of the Japanese occupation of Tengchong, Tengchong complete ... View Detail

Ginkgo biloba solid East Village

Ginkgo biloba solid East Village Jiangdong north of Tengchong County is located in Zhenjiang, Baoshan Village, west of the adjacent columnar joints, volcanic national park of two tourist attractions, 35 km from Tengchong County. Ginkgo village of two thousand acres of contiguous planted ginkgo trees. The end of September to December, a small mountain village was tall ginkgo tree wrapped golden, the floor of the Ginkgo biloba as a golden carpet covered courtyard the size of the village, the ... View Detail