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Former Residence of Chen Tanqiu

It is located at No.20 Dufu Embankment Wuchang. In 1983, it was repaired and built Martyr Chen Tanqiu Memorial Hall. On the second floor, that was recovered the bedroom of Chen Tanqiu, and fixed up "Display on revolutionary activities of Chen Tanqiu".Chen Tanqiu was a founding member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).Chen Tanqiu graduated from Wuhan Higher Normal School (present day Wuhan University) after which he played a leadership role in the May Fourth Movement in 1919. Chen ... View Detail

Former Residence of Liu Shaoqi

Liu Shaoqi was a Chinese revolutionary, statesman, and theorist. He was Chairman of the People's Republic of China, China's head of state, from 27 April 1959 to 31 October 1968, during which he implemented policies of economic reconstruction in China. He fell out of favour in the later 1960s during the Cultural Revolution, due to his perceived 'right-wing' viewpoints and, it is theorised, due to the fact that Mao viewed Liu as a threat to his power. He disappeared from public ... View Detail

Wuhan National Government site

Wuhan National Government Site is the Southern Nation Building, is located in the right-hand seat of Liudu Bridge and Minzhong Paradise Zhongshan Road Hankou. It is a building full of historical significance. The building was built in 1917 by the patriotic overseas Chinese Jane's Brother. It is a building of six floors.On January 1, 1927 to September 20 that year, here was the office of Wuhan National Government. The national government took back the concession of Hankou and Jiujiang ... View Detail

They are good

Covering an area of about 46,900 square meters (approx. 55,812 square yards), Guiyuan Buddhist Temple is situated in the west section of Hanyang district in Wuhan City. Being one of the four best temples in Wuhan, the temple, which was originally established in 1658 in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), was initially built on the site of Wuzhangpu Kuiyuan in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The word 'Guiyuan' originates from a sutra, meaning to surpass the circumscription of existence and ... View Detail

Good Temple

Gude Temple is located in the eastern of Hankou, Wuhan, is also called Gude Maopeng. It was built by Longxi Monk in 1877. The Temple is sitting east to west and its history is shorter than other three temples among four Buddhism jungle in Wuhan.There is existing the Hall of Heavenly Kings, Mahavira Hall, Hallucination House, Sutra Mansion and so on. The main building is the Mahavira Hall, is built copied Burmese Ananda Temple. The top of the temple has nine pagodas, ninty-nine lotus piers, ... View Detail

Changchun Temple

Located outside the great eastern gate of Wuchang, Wuhan City, the Changchun Taoist Temple adjoins Huhelou in the west and Baota of Hongshan in the east, where the surroundings are quite beautiful. This area used to be covered with green pines, so it was called "island of pines". During the reign of Genghis Khan, Emperor Taizu of the Yuan dynasty, patriarch Qiu Chuji of the Dragon Gate Sect of the Complete Perfection Tradition came here and built a temple to cultivate Dao. As his ... View Detail

Bao Tong Temple

Bao Tong Temple was built in the Southern Dynasty between Liu and Song periods (AD 420-479), which has more than 1580 years of history till now, and it is the longest history of existing ancient temples in Wuhan. The existing temple was revised in 1879, the large scales and the elegant decorations is the first of Wuchang temples.Bao Tong Temple is famous for its three-eyes springs and the strange stones of mountains, the existing and the most famous building of temple is Hongshan pagoda. There ... View Detail

Lin Kai Temple

Lianxi temple is located on the south side of Mt. Longshane, about two kilometers from the T-shape Bridge in Wuchang, Hubei Province. There is a renowned Buddhist temple both at home and abroad, the Lianxi temple. It is one of the biggest four Buddhist temples in Wuhan and is also presently Wuhan's only "female numerous jungles" ---the Buddhist convent. It was founded at the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty (in 1400). At that time the incense and candle burnt ... View Detail

Gratitude Temple

Bao'en Temple is located in the Daoxuan River Scenic Area Xinzhou Wuhani. The temple is consisted propylaia, the Hall of Heavenly Kings, Mahavira Hall, bell tower, drum-tower, Guanyin Hall, Jade Buddha Hall, Dhamma Hall, abstinence hall and so on. The whole temple is near the hill and water, solemn and respectful and grand magnificent.Opening Times; 08:00 - 16:00 Ticket Price; CNY5 View Detail

Story Pagoda

Dasheng Temple Pagoda is located on the twin cities site Hong'an County, so called Twin Cities Pagoda.According to the county annals, the Red Turban Rebellion of Yuan Dynasty ever stationaried here, and the pagoda were also built at that time. In 1872,it repaired. The pagoda is skintled brick work, wood-like structure, and faces east and west. It is nearly 40m hight, and it reduces every layer from bottom to top. The decorative pattern of every bracket system, coumn hook, doors and windows ... View Detail