Tianzhushan Weather

66F ~ 82F
Sunny To Cloudy
NE at 30km/h
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Tianzhushan Attractions - All
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Dragon nest area (west gate)

Starting from the Tianzhu Mountain Village, the Village of Snow in June to the South Gate to the mouth of the left walking. Here is the west gate of Tianzhu Mountain, the vegetation well Linhe deep, ecology original. The main attractions are: ground pine, Wu Mei Song, Yu Hu Song, hyacinth stone, olecranon stone, draw water and other dinosaurs. Ahead in the east balcony, visible Tianzhufeng, klippe the other a completely new picture. Well spilled down from the klippe Oolong smart spring, ... View Detail

Dongguan Village

Tianzhu Mountain in the east, the male has little knowledge Cliffs, must peak of confrontation, in the opening line, insurance if the ladder; show a bridge of magpies, turned, dragonfly scorpionfish climbing wall, Two Lions play ball. Dragonfly scorpionfish stone, rocks in the Tianzhu a great spectacle. Peak in the southeast cliffs cents lower drum, image fidelity. About 40 meters, 10 meters wide, about 3 meters, close to the wall above the Yaan, Yurun Yong stay ridiculously cute. Out of the ... View Detail


Klippe, altitude 1424 meters, there are boulders lying peak, such as caps, such as Nioumian, like a tiger lying. This peak is constantly on the length of the legend, fairy pass, take the top of rock pressure, inhibit the growth vigor. Peak southwest of Taiwan, intramural, stone stained scales, the shape of Dragonscale, commonly known as Huanglong A, mimicking plaque distribution map of Anhui Province today. Feng Yao has Thunder Cave, Oolong well. Informed view of this, said the monk was ... View Detail


From the hill town along State Road 105, 7 km to the northwest dealers, again the direction of Forest Village is 6 km ahead to hutouya area. The concentration of scenic spots, rocks everywhere and heritage, is a good place for self-cultivation. The main attractions are: hutouya, boat-shaped stone, iron flute niches, Wanshou infinite tower, fox grave, Cliff and so on. There are many scenic rocks and stone. Boat-shaped stone of which, 20 meters long, 10 meters width, such as the vessel ran ... View Detail

Flowers peak

Tianzhu Jinbang southwest side of the main peak, and suffer at the peak phase, both sides of the cliffs, such as sword split, crack deep and uniform, known as "small heavenly gate." Spent the entire body with the main peak similar to peak, there are "small Tianzhu," said. This peak is 1,380 meters above sea level. Peak overlap with crack rocks such as chrysanthemum petals, petal gaze, and if Xi Zhang in the breeze about to move, very wonderful. View Detail

Tianchi peak

Heavenly Lake Peak, is the second peak of Tianzhu Mountain, it is slightly higher than the klippe, elevation 1426 meters. Tianchi peak, a split into three, here are linking the two stones together, "crossing Xianqiao," saying goes: "People are all cents to the bridge." Tianchi boarded the peak, we can also appreciate what "would be extremely Ling, list of small hills," the spirit. 1, where the immense field of vision, the scenery is magnificent, impressive sunrise, sea of clouds, the Buddha, ... View Detail

Tianzhu Qingxue

Tianzhu Mountain in a unique landscape - Tianzhu Qingxue, commonly known as "Snow in June." "Tianzhu Qingxue" is located in the hills north of Tianzhu Mountain stream on the Dragon. According to historical texts written: "Here Chui Ling Wan Wai, Gt lush, green leaves, exposing a sand Kong. Perennial ice like snow pressure, the four seasons as Yinshan rotten sea. Particularly clear after the rain, sun shine, washed by rain after the gravel filter, extra clean and perfect, such as snow, Guanghua ... View Detail

Geek Village

Savage Village, also known as Taniguchi. Savage Village is a town, yard, old as the post road crossing. Chui Ling rolling, valley, surrounded by haze Bristol dock, winding streets, is the scenic foothills of Tianzhu and cultural resources. Main landscape: Emperor worship had archaeological site and the Jing Yue driving bridge, there is rippling blue waves, canoe races diving River (river raft can be floated in this potentialFlow, is now a popular tourist tourism projects). Three other ... View Detail