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Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling

Soong Ch'ing-ling (27 January 1893 - 29 May 1981), also known as Madame Sun Yat-sen, was one of the three Soong sisters-who, along with their husbands, were amongst China's most significant political figures of the early 20th century. She was the Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China. She was the first non-royal woman to officially become head of state of China, acting as Co-Chairman of the Republic from 1968 until 1972. She again became head of state in 1981, briefly ... View Detail

Former Residence of Lao She

Former Residence of Lao Sheis Located on the north side of West Dengshikou Street, the Former Residence of Lao She (renowned modern novelist and playwright) is a traditional quadrangle home with two central courtyards. Lao She bought the house in 1949 upon his return from the United States and spent most of his last 13 years at this house. It was here he wrote 23 works including a famous drama Fang Zhenzhu. Lao She' s wife moved out of the house and donated it to the state together with ... View Detail

Former residence of Mao Dun

Like other residences of famous Chinese, the former residence of Mao Dun is among the lucky ones which have been well-preserved in the process of modernization of Beijing. Situated in the old Beijing alley, the former residence of Mao Dun is also the typical Beijing Siheyuan. The famous Chinese writer Mao Dun stayed here from 1974 until his death.Mao Dun, a prestigious writer, art theoretician and translator, was born in 1896. He began his career as a writer in 1916, and in 1920, he translated ... View Detail

Former Residence of Qi

The Former Residence of Qi Baishi, a well-known Chinese artist, is located near the western entrance of Picai Lane in the West City District.Artists and VIPs from all over the world converged at Qi Baishi' s home in the seven or eight years before his death in1957. Though the government had given him another house on the east side, he preferred his own garden, full of the more mundane crops, such as towel-gourd, peanuts, pumpkins, grapes and morning glory. His famous works"Towel-Gourd and a Bee ... View Detail

Xu Memorial

Beihong(1895-1953)was an outstanding modern Chinese painter and art teacher.The memorial hall was originally located in his residence.but was moved to its present location when the house was demolished as part of Beijing's subway construction.His studio has been reconstructed just as it was when he worked in it.Xu was particulary renowned for the way he could capture images of horses.As well as displays of his workesthe new hall contains a pictorial summary of Xu's life and career.There ... View Detail

Guo House

Guomoruo memorial is a key historic site under national protection and a patriotic education base of Beijing Municipality. It is located in Qianhai West Street, Xicheng District. Open to the public in June 1988, it is a memorial scenic spot with a profound cultural significance. In October,1963, Guo Moruo moved here and he stayed here for almost 15 years. The 15-year was lastdays in his lifetime. Guo Moruo (1892-1978), whose hometown was in Leshan, Sichuan Province, was well-known as a community ... View Detail

Represented Memorial

The Zhan Tianyou Memorial Museum is a memorial of Chinese historical figures and it was established in memory of Zhan Tianyou, an outstanding railway engineer in China. Located at the area of Badaling Great Wall, the museum began construction in 1984 and opened to the public in November 1987.Covering an area of about 1,800 square meters, the museum is at the highest point along the rail line between Beijing and Zhangjiakou, which was China's first self-built rail line and was supervised by ... View Detail

National Palace Museum (Forbidden City)

Forbidden Cityis located in the center of Beijing, Tiananmen Square North, 1 km south gate of Jingshan opposite thing width 753 meters, 961 meters long north and south, covering an area of 72 square meters, is the world';s largest palace complex. Outside the Forbidden City is a 52 meters wide, 6 m deep moat; Hanoi is the circumference of 3 km, nearly 10 meters high walls, the walls had doors on all sides, south Meridian Gate, the North has Shenwu Men, east Donghuamen, west, West Gate; wall ... View Detail

Summer Palace

Summer Palace is located in the west of Beijing, is the first classical Chinese garden, with a total area of about 290 hectares, the Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake. The whole garden divided into 3 regions: the Ren Shoudian as the center of political activities; to Yu Lan Tang, Le Shoutang Empress as the main living area; to Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake in the scenic tourist area. West Mountain peaks of the Park to the background, combined with complex integration with the park Lake situation ... View Detail

Temple of Heaven

Temple of Heaven in south Beijing, was built in Ming Dynasty Yongle eighteen years (1420), is the Ming and Qing emperors worship the god of heaven and earth where good harvest and pray. November 1998, the "World Heritage List."Temple of 1,700 meters from east to west, 1,600 meters from north to south, with a total area of 273 square meters. Garden Valley, including the Temple of Heaven and Circular Mound Altar second, two points inside and outside the wall, was back to shape. Circular ... View Detail