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Chongqing Weather

81F ~ 99F
Light Rain To Moderate Rain
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In the densely populated center of Chongqing Municipality, an oasis is set in Yuzhong District. This oasis valued by locals is the Loquat Hill Park, which is reputed to be the lung of the district. Located on the Loquat Hill about 340 meters (1,115 feet) above sea level, the park is beautifully designed with forests of varied trees and exuberantly grown grass and flowers. From the Hongxing Pavilion, one can get a view of the whole city, especially on a resplendent night.

There are three versions of the origin of the name Loquats Hill (Pi Pa Shan). The first is  that loquats (Pi Pa) are grown throughout the hill, thus the name. The second one is a beautiful love story: once upon a time, a beautiful girl lived on the hill; she played lute (Pi Pa) every night for her lover who lived on the other side of the Yangtze River. The sweat melody moved local people, so they named the hill 'Pi Pa'. The third version is that the hill resembles the Chinese instrument lute (Pi Pa).

The park was once a private compound yard belonging to a high official of the Sichuan Government in the period of Republic of China. After the founding of the P.R.C., it was expanded into a public park. Inside the park are pavilions, corridors and ponds as well as recreational facilities and service centers dotted in the flourishing woods. The park offers people a good place to relax and take a break from their turbulent lives.

Ticket Fee: CNY 10

Opening Hours: 8:00am--17:00pm

Traffic: Take the electricity bus No. 401, 402, 405, or take the bus No. 413, 418, 481, and 109 to Wenhuagong.