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Wansong College

Founded in 1498 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the academy was one of the four major academies in Hangzhou for its complete set of sactrficial utensils, comprehensive and efficient school management and a full library. It attracted students from all over Zhejiang Province. For 500 years,the academy turned out numerous talents for the province and the whole country. It enjoyed an established reputation in Zhejiang and Jiangsu as a successful educational institute. Yet,a romance that ... View Detail

Brahma Temple Pillar Column

Shandong Province is located in the south of the Phoenix before Brahma Temple, stone Pillar Column two, three years of the Northern Song Dynasty Conduit (965) Wu Yue Qian Wang Hong-do was built a block of the high gate mesh body directions. Carved south side of a Buddhist "big Foding Dharani Sutra", the north side of a carved "big with the demand that is too large comfortable Dharani Sutra", waist vinyl eaves and other architectural structures, layers of columns based niche ... View Detail

To stay more than Mountain

To stay more than Mountain Home of the original located in the south peak of the northern foot of the famous Qing Dynasty landscape. According to historical records, from six through Temple along the trail and on the trees in the grass, odd rocks everywhere, indescribable. A spring bets from the stone walls, high Shu Zhang, spray flying beads of jade, in straight sets Yashi, water hit rock phase, if the sound sounds. Mountain Home that is, at the fountain, Springs left to climb to the top ... View Detail

Temple, Holy Fruit

Holy Temple fruit, and fruit spots Temple, formerly known as Chong Sheng Temple. Kai Huang Emperor Wen was founded two years, between the yuan Zhu Wen Tang Zhaozong hi Qianning Master reconstruction. Song Shi crossed, where the house was designated as Secretary Ya, migration, package Jiashan Temple. Yuan also displace, to positive years destroyed, Hongwu years of reconstruction. Although the changes here after Diego, but retained many antiquities, monuments can be said that the highest ... View Detail

Baochu tower

Standing on Baoshi (Precious Stone) Hill on the north bank of West Lake in Hangzhou, Baochu Pagoda was originally called Yingshang Pagoda and was constructed between 968 and 975 during the Northern Song Dynasty. Legend has it that after founding the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin, the new emperor, called the king of Wuyue, Qian Hongchu, to the capital at Kaifeng. Qian Hongchu's uncle, Wu Yanshuang, prayed for his safe return and had this pagoda constructed, naming it Baochu Pagoda-Tower ... View Detail

Wai Temple Korea

Wai Korea Temple is the temple building as the carrier, as a central theme on the religious and cultural scenic spots, a lot of things are unique. Such as the round of the Hidden Temple, the unique shape of the four kings, statues, murals ... particularly worth mentioning is the round of the possession of the hall runner Tibet ". Simply put, wheel Tibet "is a wooden pagoda style of tall buildings, containing voluminous classics round of Tibet is a temple dedicated place to place by ... View Detail

Former Residence of Hu Xueyan

Hu Xueyan (1823-1885), was a local celebrity, one of the richest and most famous businessmen in Qing Dynasty. He started his business under the Governor Wang Youling's support, in the fields as food, real estate, hock, weapon, silk, medicine; after his success, he donated much money and helped a lot to the Qing government. Because of this relationship, Hu was renowned in the country and was called Hongding merchant. His legendary life was mostly related with the destiny of late Qing dynasty ... View Detail

Yu Qian Temple

Yu Qian (1398 - 1457), a famous loyal official, was born in Qiantang (present Hangzhou) of Zhejiang Province in the Ming Dynasty. In 1449, Zhu Qizhen, Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty, was captured because of Tumu Crisis, and the capital was in chaos. Under the circumstance, Yu Qian, commander of Ministry of War, supported Emperor Yingzong's brother Zhu Qiyu to take the throne. He led soldiers and civilians to resist enemy, and succeeded in safeguarding Beijing. In 1457, Emperor ... View Detail

Site of the Southern Song Dynasty Imperial Phoenix Hill

Phoenix Mountains North from the Southern Song Dynasty Imperial this wind gate, the west Wansong Ling, east to designate tide gate, south of Qiantang River. Nine Mile radius distribution Bonaventure, Chuigong, Cining other temples and Lung To Court, minutes after the Court established the United States, Tsui cold, according to Gui, Mingyuan Zhu Tong, and the provision of an area of ten acres of the "Little Lake" for Mid-Autumn Emperor and Empress. Southern subjugation, the wind ... View Detail


Gongzhuiyu(1622 -1685), Hangzhou people , and the early Qing Dynasty famous bibliophile, during the education official, he is honest and integrity, by the people loved. The tomb is located on the eastern side of the Pagoda of Six Harmonies scenic mountain dock, the greatness of Hangzhou rare save more complete scholar of the Qing Dynasty tombs. The burial ground area of about 960 square meters. The tomb in front of the Chinese table, arch, Beiting, Shiyang, stone horses, tigers, stone ... View Detail