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Tianjin Attractions - All
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Dule Temple

Dule Temple is one of the top ten attractions in Tianjin, and is known as "morning light of Dule Temple". The entire complex consists of Entrance Gate, Kwan-yin Pavilion, as well as the east and west halls. The Entrance Gate has a single-eaved palace roof, making it the earliest example of its kind among China's historic buildings. A horizontal board inscribed with the name of the temple hangs under the eastern roof, and the inscription is said to have been written by Yan Song, a premier of the ... View Detail

Church of Western Cape

The Xikai Church, also called the French Church, is a famous Catholic church in Tianjin City.Xikai Church - the Tianjin Catholic Church, is located in Dushan Road, Heping District, near Lida International Department Store. The church is comprised of two parts - a chief church and a cathedral, which were built by the French Catholic Church. The chief church was constructed in about 1913, while the cathedral in 1917. The cathedral is a 45-meter-high Roman-style building and the largest church in ... View Detail

Great Mercy Temple

The Temple of Great Compassion is a Zen Buddhist temple in Tianjin City, China. It was built during the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty (1643-1661), which carries more than 370 years of history.The temple was once famous for holding a skull relic of Xuanzang, however, the relic was presented to India in the 1950s and is now held in a Patna museum.Today the temple is a tourist attraction, with entry costing only 4 Yuan Renminbi. It opens at 9 AM and is within walking distance of the main ... View Detail

Wanghai church

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Tianjin is a diocese located in the city of Tianjin in the Ecclesiastical province of Beijing in China.Data from 1950 indicated there are 50,000 registered Roman Catholics in Tianjin, occupying 1.4% of the total 360,000 population; recent data from 2008 refleted a recovery of presumably 100,000 Catholics after years of persecution within which 40,000 are officially registered and 60,000 is the estimated number of underground faithful. Even that was considered, it is ... View Detail

Great Mosque

The Tianjin Great Mosque is one of the famous mosques in China. It is located at Hongqiao District of Tianjin City. There are different opinions on the year when it was established. Generally, people believe that it was established at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). In the following hundreds of years, it was rebuilt and expanded several times, and finally formed its current scale. The mosque covers an area of 5,000 square meters, and has a construction area of 2,200 square meters. ... View Detail

Chaoyin temple

The Chaoyin Temple was built on 1404 (Ming Dynasty). It used to be called Nanhaidasi Temple or Shuangshan Temple. It faces the Haihe River Mouth at Dagu and is one the few temples that faces east. It is the only cultural relics in the south of Tanggu District that opens to outside world.The Chaoyin Temple is consisted of three main halls, four side halls in south and north, and two courtyards in south and north. There is Liuxian Pavilion and 14 Buddha Statues including Kuanyin Bodhisattva. It is ... View Detail

Ba Xiandong

Baxian Cave is located in the Huangyaguan Ji County. The gate of the cave is wooden grotto eaves and wide as 3 rooms. The right side sets two slab doors and under the roof, there is hanged a plaque "Dong Tian Fu Di". In the cave, there is built half arc platform god after terrain. On it, there moulds a statue of Baxian, and both sides there are golden boy and jade girl.Ticket: CNY45 View Detail

Tianjin Eye (Yongle Bridge Ferris wheel)

Tianjin Eye is is a set of transportation, sightseeing, dining, travel in one integrated multi-function bridge. "Tianjin Eye" Yongle Bridge spans the HaiHe River and connects Hebei District and HongQiao District. The bridge is 600 meters long, 32 meters wide, with 6 lanes of bi-directional traffic.Safety: Safety checks are performed every Monday mornng. Each cabin has a fire extinguisher, lifeline, intercom and alarm system. In emergency situations, visitors can press a button to get ... View Detail

Youth Center

Tianjin Youth Center was established in 1985, Tianjin is the largest comprehensive school education in youth activity venues, known as "flying fun of the world, ideal for swimming hall."There are many functional zone in the center. In the fun zone, there are near 30 attracitons, like Zhubo Swimming Pool, tennis court, painting and calligraphy exhibition hall and so on. The Zhubo Swimming Pool covers the area of 7,600 square meters, and its water entertainment project completely, ... View Detail

Dongli Lake Hot Spring Resort

Located northeast of Dongli District, Tianjin Municipality, 18 kilometers from the city proper, the Dongli Lake Hot Spring Resort is an important ecological area dubbed "Little Freshwater Ocean". It's one of the top eight scenic spots and one of the top seven nature reserves in Tianjin. The attraction, originally a reservoir, covers an area of 85 square kilometers, about 10 percent of which is covered by water, making it nearly 1.5 times larger than West Lake in Hangzhou. With a ... View Detail