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The White Pagoda (Bai Ta) and the Black Pagoda (Wu Ta) are another feature of Fuzhou's landscape. The White Pagoda stands on the western slope of the Yu Hill. Its original name was Ding Guang Ta (Pagoda of Eternal Brightness). It is 41 meters high, seventiered and octagonal, and white in color, which accounts for its popular name. Ticket:CNY2Traffic:Bus 2, 8, 16, 19, 26, 702, 801, 803, 908, 945, 948 View Detail


The Black Pagoda, so named because it stands on the southern slope of the Black Hill (Wu Shan) or Black Rock Hill (Wu Shi Shan). It is 31 meters in height, also seven_tiered and octagonal, Its formal name was Chong Miao Bao Sheng Jian Lao Ta (Pagoda of Wisdom, Sacredness and Solidity). From either of the twin pagodas one can have a bird's eye view of Fuzhou city. The pagodas are a spectacular sight when they are illuminated all over with lamps on festivals. Ticket:FreeTraffic:Bus 16, 702, ... View Detail

Kam Fong Yi

It is the first lane of the three lanes, which originally named as Tongchao Lane. As yijin in Chinese is usually used to describe people getting fame or money, the lane was renamed as Yinjin later because of many high-ranking officials were generated in the lane. No.1-4 of the lane is the former residence for Zheng Xiaoxu, a stateman in late Qing Dynasty; No.16 is the former residence of Zheng Pengcheng, a Jinshi (scholar who is a successful candidate in the highest imperial exams) in Qing ... View Detail

Min Lane

Located in the south of Yellow Alley, Anmin Alley is opposite to the Wenru Lane. An old dwelling in the west of the street still retains its first former symmetry pattern and unsophisticated style. It is a protected revolutionary unit of cultural relics as it was an office of the New Fourth Army during the Anti-Japanese War. Ticket:Free View Detail

Temple Lane

Gong Alley is in the south of Anmin Alley. Houses of rich and powerful family in Gong Alley is amazing epitomize of Fuzhou ancient architecture with ingenious structure and various carvings. Almost every detail of the house is elaborately carved with vivid images and beautiful patterns on wood or stones both in windows, doors, pillars, and even on steps and vase bases. Ticket:Free View Detail

Yellow Roadway

Yellow Alley is in the south of Ta Alley, connecting with Yijin Lane across the South Backstreet in both east and west directions. Yellow Alley got its name from the family name of a Huang (yellow) family in Jin Dynasty in 308. It is also a locality for intellectuals and celebrities of past dynasties. Today, former residences of Liang Zhangju (a couplets master) and Chen Shouqi (a scholar) in Qing Dynasty, and a "little yellow house" can be visited. Ticket:Free View Detail

Langguan Lane

Langguan Alley is in the south of Yangqiao Alley, east of South Backsteet; it is an alley built in Song Dynasty. A former residence of Yan Fu, a great modern thinker and translator, is located in the Alley. And there is a featured memorial archway in the west entrance of the alley. Ticket:Free View Detail

Tower Lane

It is in the south of Langguan Alley. Named as Tower Alley for a tower and a connected tower courtyard were once built in the street in Song Dynasty. The tower was destroyed in Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) but a small tower was built in Qing Dynasty to be a memorial one can be seen today.Ticket:Free View Detail

Ru-Fang Wen

Famous for a lot of scholars of past dynasties lived in the lane, Wenru Lane once inhabited by Zhangjing, a great general in Ming Dynasty, Gan Baoguo, a great general as well as the provincial commander-in-chief of Fujian Province, Chen Chengxi and Chen Baochen, they are father and son, both famous scholars in Qing Dynasty, and Chen Yan, a great poet of Qing Dynasty.Ticket:Free View Detail

Guanglu Square

Guanglu Lane also gave birth to many great names in history, including the modern translator Lin Shu and modern writer Yu Dafu. The highlight in the lane is a Guanglu Terrace, one of the first protected sites of Fuzhou City in 1961, which is also a perfect integration of pond, terrace, pavilion, stones, trees and flowers with historical inscriptions. Besides, a timber-structure Liu Courtyard of Qing Dynasty, a former residence of Huangren, and a pavilion-bridge paved in Ming Dynasty are all the ... View Detail